October 10, 2022
Global Trade
By TMCGDirect/John G. Igitt, DEng, MBA
What We Do

Export Market Opportunities/Risks Analysis

We provide SMEs/exporters customized market analysis and research that meets their concrete global markets expansion needs including but not limited to a) identifying/selecting the most attractive international markets for their products, b) looking for opportunities to diversify their existing product(s) range, c) market analysis tools that help exporters, stay up to date with the supply and demand trends of their products, improve their selection of export markets and trading partners, d) information on customs tariffs applied by around 187 countries, e) non-tariff market access regulations applied by countries to imported products,  f) country risk analysis for entry, operation, etc., g) access to the necessary contract forms to protect themselves, bridge many legal and cultural traditions by harmonizing recurring legal provisions common to most international contracts, h) access international strategic alliance contract forms, etc. Export Intermediation   We focus on creating long-term value for SMEs/exporters by prioritizing their interests. Through strategic alliances with our global partners, we help trade happen by moving an exporter’s physical goods from the local market to the international markets where they are needed. B2B Ecommerce   B2B  eCommerce offers exporters unprecedented opportunities to sell their products online.  Leveraging our strategic alliances with some of the top-ranked global e-commerce platform operators, we help SMEs/exporters sell their products to other international businesses through these high-profile online sales portals. Contact with us today to learn how we can help your company hike its international sales and profits.
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